Friday, September 18, 2009

Rook's First LSU game!

This past Saturday, Wade and I drove down to Baton Rouge for the Rookie's first LSU game. It's probably going to be his/her last game for a few years too as we quietly observed many children tailgating (not so patiently) with their parents. We were glad Rook didn't have much choice in the matter about tailgating all day, staying for the entire game, etc. A friend of Wade's has 3 little girls. He's told each of them that they don't get to go with Daddy to their first LSU game until after they turn 5. This is a big milestone in their family and the girl's apparently ask all year when it will be THEIR turn. Well, it was finally time for the middle daughter's turn this week. She was so excited until she realized it was actually more sitting around than playing and clung to Daddy's leg during the entire tailgating festivities. Wild horses (or cookies) couldn't drag her away from him. I tried. Anyway, their seats ended up being a few rows above ours and we saw them leaving right when the second quarter started. I would have died but he just patiently carried his "big girl" down the bleachers at her first LSU game. Wade and I decided, on the spot, our child's magic LSU game age would have to be closer to 7 or so because neither Momma or Daddy want to leave the game early!

The three of us tailgating pre-game

Rookie didn't have the best seats in the stadium but we didn't hear one complaint from him/her the entire game! What a good baby!
As soon as the Golden Band from Tiger Land got started, Rookie started dancing. I truly don't think Rook sat still the entire game. I was praying that means he/she will love football and was all geared up (instead of mad at me for dragging him/her to the game and showing me his/her disapproval by lots of kicks and flips.)

LSU didn't look great but they pulled out a victory. Maybe the Rook is a good luck charm!

Rook's first LSU game was quite the success even if it did pour down rain for half of the game!

On Saturday, we drove over to my Uncle and Aunt's house to watch the Saints game and eat some fabulous crab and shrimp pasta. The Rookie also kicked during the entire Saints game. I'm taking that as a good sign. Here's a crazy story though about my beloved Saints:
I have been a die-hard Saints fan since I was about 7 years old. It was my Dad and my "thing" to come home from church, eat lunch, and plop in front of the tube to watch the Dome Patrol play. My Dad traveled alot so this was sacred bonding time. I guess that's why I was so crazy about them. Anyway, since that age, I used to swear the Saints were waiting to win the Super Bowl until the best year of my life which would be when my first child was born. Could this possibly be THE YEAR??? I've waited 30 years for my first born and 23 equally long years for the Saints to pull this off. Please be good to me, Drew Brees!

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