Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getting big and Getting loved

 Well, we're getting settled in as a party of four. Chaney had her 2 week check-up with our beloved Dr. Joe and she has gained 1 pound, 4 ounces in 12 days since we've gotten home from the hospital! Weight is 75%, height 90%, and head 50%. I'll take it. She is actually a good sleeper and usually starts the night with a 5 hour stretch. Far better than anything E did until he was several months old. She's an awesome eater, rarely cries, and doesn't even wake up when her 2 3/4 year old brother is acting like a...well, 2 3/4 year old. In regards to him, he is CRAZY about her. I was skeptical on how he'd act once she got here. He loved to talk to, kiss, hug, and even give flowers to baby sister when she was in my belly but I didn't think that would translate to the real person she would eventually become. I was proven wrong. While he acts like a little booger at times, he has never taken it out on her. He will be screaming like a crazy person to us and then come over to her and start talking in this little sweet high-pitched voice. "You okay Chaney Claire? Big brother's here. Everything's okay." It's about the sweetest thing you've ever seen. As far as holding her, Lord help us. The boy LOVES to hold her, but only in 20 second intervals. He constantly wants to hold her, we get him set up, then he decides she's "too heavy", "too squirmy" (I would have to agree here), "too cry-ey", etc. Every now and then, though, he'll hold her long enough for me to sneak a quick picture. Check this out...


  1. Sooooooooo sweet. Absolutely melts your heart! I had to get on to the youngest last night for standing in a chair repeatedly. When she started crying, big sister came to the rescue! She told me that I shouldn't get onto her b/c she doens't know any better. I swear, they tug hard at those heart strings!!!!!
