Monday, November 19, 2012

Case Study Addendum

Boy that title's really going to reel in my readers...
It was brought to my attention that it looks as if when I mentioned, "I stopped counting around 1700" sounds like he asked 1700 questions. He did not, in fact, ask 1700. He asked 290. I just stopped counting around 5pm which, in military time (aka the only way a nurse thinks), is 1700. Thus, that was the time, not question count. Let me assure you, by 5pm, it sure felt like I'd been asked 1700 though.

Another addendum topic is...
How exactly do you even answer questions such as, "What flavor is our sun roof?" or this nugget that I get rather often, "What's my birthday's last name?"


  1. HAHA, he's just preparing you for the WHY stage!!!!

    I always wondered why my parents always answered questions with 'Because I said so!' or 'God did it.' but I totally get it now!

  2. I totally agree with Erin! nothing that comes out of my mouth gets a declarative, but is only followed by an interrogative. WHYYY?
