I'm doing a quick update before Lindsay, Everett, and I head to Oxford to see MOM!!!!! For those of you who don't know, she's been in Nashville getting her left, upper lobe removed. They removed the first big spot and she'll go back in 2-3 weeks to remove the right lower lobe. This will leave her with 3 lobes total but since she's never been a smoker and has never had any lung infection, her remaining lobes should compensate. After that, she'll receive no more chemo and will probably just have routine 3 month CT scans to check for new malignancies.
I cannot say how big of a deal this surgery is. New Year's Eve 2008, we were told she had 6 months to one year to live. Hospice was offered which we politely declined. After a year of surgeries, chemo, and LOTS of units of platelets, Mom will have her life back. Lindsay and I agree it feels almost too good to be true but, at this point, we'll just count our blessings and continue to make memories. I've had two friends over this last year that have seen their Mom's diagnosed with cancer and pass within months. I cannot imagine the pain that they feel. It makes me appreciate Mom even more. If I even hesitate on the ingredients or measurements of one of her recipes, I immediately call her to clarify. I remember when they told us it was terminal that I was scared I wouldn't know how to do all the things she does. Learning to sew, cook, even quilt from my Mom are at my disposal and I'm taking advantage while I can (okay, so I'm not really taking advantage of the quilting. Guess Mom's got to live to be 80 or so because I'm pretty sure you can' quilt before your 50's.) Anyway, she's supposed to get her second chest tube and epidural out early this afternoon. Lindsay and I are going to get to her house early to try to clean and cook. Then, we are heading to Tupelo to pick Sophie up from the Bed and Biscuit. We told Bert that the countdown is on for him to sit back and let us do the work.
This post is all over the place. I won't apologize, I'm a bit excited. Anyway, for more rando thoughts...
Everett's 4 month shots and check-up were this week. The shots went fine. As soon as I pick him up, he stops crying. Grandma Patty (Wade's Mom) went with us for the appointment and I think she had a harder time than Everett. Grandma Patty stays with Everett while I work and they are quite attached. I hated to see both of them sad. Everett's sleep schedule was a little thrown off because of the shots (he sleeps all day after and is up at night. ) Thus, he's slept in the co-sleeper with Wade and I for the two nights after but, thankfully, was back in his crib last night. Wade said either he or Everett was going to have to go because a co-sleeper and queen size bed, do not a good sleep make.
Stats: Head circumference was 50% (sure looks like he's got a big ole' noggin, but I guess not.)
Weight--15 pounds, 5 ounces, 50% (I guessed 19 pounds. Can't imagine how big he'll feel when he actually is 19 pounds.)
Length--26 inches, 90% (Who'd of thought we'd have a tall "skinny" boy?)
We just started rice cereal which he has about 1-2 times a day. I'll introduce real food in a few weeks. I'm in no hurry but I have been looking forward to making baby food since before I was preggers. Wade never gave in with the cloth diapers so disposable, it is. Homemade baby food is not even on the table for discussion!
Here's Grandma Patty pointing out one of the two ouchies.