Monday, April 11, 2011


Okay is it just me or is the snake population exploding right now? Last year we lived in a neighborhood that was very urban, few trees, no lakes, etc. This year our hood is very wooded and has a fairly big lake. You guys think it's just the location or has everyone else seen tons of snakes already this year? I've seen 2 alive and about 5 dead in the last week. The other day Homet and I were riding our bikes on the trail behind our house and, I kid you not, I almost ran over a copperhead that was sitting up, mouth open, tongue flicking, ready to strike. Thank God we were on bikes and went by fast. I was terrified Hom (who was behind me) would get bit and wreck his bike with Shoog on the back. Luckily, the snake decided against it and slithered away (ugh, I even hate the word slither. On a side note my mom used to wake us up by saying, "Come on kids. Hop up!" Who hops in the morning? By the time we were teenagers we told her to quit saying that as she was acting way too perky in the morning for our hormonal little attitudes. She changed it to, "Come on kids. Slither out." from then on out.) Anyway, two minutes after the snake-about-to-bite episode, we passed a dead copper head in the road. Then, fishing a few days later, one swam by our boat. Ugh. I can't even count the number I saw today dead on the road while I was out running around our neighborhood. Then, as if I'm not creeped out enough, I look at my friend's blog only to find this...
Yep, that would be another copperhead.

My sweet Yankee neighbors asked if we should tell the homeowners association so that they could "do something about all the snakes in the woods." I giggled and told her, "Welcome to Mississippi."

1 comment:

  1. i'm still having anxiety over yesterday. it's truly the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. trail running? FORGET IT! what's crazy is that this thing was on the dang road!
