Monday, May 9, 2011

18 months and Tubes

Well, after battling our 6-7th ear infection (who's counting at that point) in the span of 12 months, we are finally on tap for PE Tubes in the morning. I am more scared of the anesthesia than the procedure itself. I know it's routine, but the only "routine" surgery to me is one that's not on MY kid. Honestly, the whole situation makes me want to barf but I know we have to do it. If for nothing else, to get him some relief. He goes about 2 1/2- 3 weeks then he stops sleeping, gets fussy, refuses food, and then spikes a fever. This has been every 2 1/2-3 weeks since he was 6 months old. Not to mention, we had become somewhat concerned about his hearing. He talks CONSTANTLY (yeah, he looks just like me and got Momma's mouth too) but he didn't have too many appropriate words. he finally went about one month straight without an infection right before Easter and, all of the sudden, his vocabulary exploded. Then, another infection. Argh. Poor guy. Luckily, we have an UNBELIEVABLE pediatrician. I really don't know how Hom and I would've maintained our sanity without him. He is such a calming voice when we're at our wit's end. He makes it all better (for E as well as us) and now that he can't, Dr. Reed will! Thus, the Watts' family will be waking sometime around the 4:00 hour of the morn and heading up to the Children's Hospital. Please pray for our boy in the morning, if you think about it.
On a healthy note, he is 50% weight and 95% height. His head circumference is "off the charts" (apparently got my big ole melon too.) Looks like he's gonna be tall like his Uncle Jay and Paw Paw.

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