Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Betty Homemaker, table for two

I've always loved any arts/crafts project. When I was little, my most prized possession (well, second to my mini Saints football) was my 150 count Crayon "briefcase" with TWO built-in crayon sharpeners. Typing that makes it sound really dorky but it was totally cool. Trust me. As I've grown, I've realized that while I love crafts, I'm not actually any good at them. I'll stick to nursing. However, I still LOVE to try. My Mom, on the other hand, is a sewing and quilting whiz. Quilting doesn't do it for me but I want so bad to be good at sewing. I don't mean taking classes and such, I want my Mom to teach me. Mom is quite the willing teacher too which works out well. I used to look at adorable patterns for children's clothes when I was pregnant. Well, two problems... There are ten times more girl's patterns than boy's. Another problem that most Southern women deal with is the hub's opinion. There are few metrosexual men in the South, which is just fine but try dressing your son "cute" and most men go nuts. That's another post all together though. Right after I had Everett, my Mom bought an embroidering attachement to her sewing machine. It's not been the most economical purchase ever, but it sure is fun to use! Check out the fabulous bib and burp cloths...

Yes, to Aunt Lindsay, Everett will probably be referred to as 'Baby Rhett' until he's 40. Anyway, the other day, I visited Mom for my first baby clothes sewing lessons. First off, F-U-N. Second off, next time I've got to bring Wade so that he can hold Everett because he did not want to be put down. That made for some difficult sewing. Here's him when I finally gave up and just held him while I worked.
"These are deplorable sleeping conditions, Mom!" Sorry, Son, you wanted to be with me so this is what you get!

Anyway, here's my first project. While it's a cute little romper which my husband would probably not approved of, you throw a few tools on it and WAA-LAA, he loves it! The embroidery machine also does appliques. This is the beginning of some serious clothes making if I could find anyone to hold that sweet boy while I work!


  1. My mom can't even sew a button on! I'm so jealous your mom can teach you! My grandmother can sew and gave me a sewing machine as a wedding gift. If only I lived closer to her so she could teach me how to use it! So...to JoAnn Fabrics I will go to learn how to sew. I've tried using it and did an OK job...I just want to learn how to do it right! I can't wait so I can make Emmie some cute little outfits!

  2. I remember your crayon "suitcase". It was WAY cool!!! Next time I'll come up to Oxford and hold Baby Rhett while ya'll sew!

  3. That is awesome!!!! I need one of those attachments...but I don't have anything to attach it too! :) LOVE the jumper...totally boyish! And LOVE the "baby Rhett" burp cloth!
